• उत्तराखंड सरकार
  • Government of Uttarakhand






India ranks second worldwide in farm outputs. Agriculture constitutes around 18.5 percent of India’s total energy consumption, and its power consumption is expected to rise by an estimated 54 percent between 2015 and 2022. 58% of the population of India relies on agriculture as its major source of livelihood.

.An estimated 2.1 crore agricultural pump sets are connected to power grid in India, to meet the irrigation needs of Indian farmers. Due to affordability, locally made inefficient pump sets that contribute to both energy and water wastage are being used by the Indian farmers. With access to heavily subsidized water and electricity, farmers need a viable incentive to adopt more energy efficient practices.

Under the programme, inefficient agricultural pump sets are replaced with BEE 5 star-rated energy efficient pump sets. AgDSM implantation can reduce peak demand, and, ultimately, the total energy consumption in the agriculture sector.

Replacing India’s 2.1 crore pump sets with energy efficient variants will result in:

 Total Energy saving potential (in crore kWh) : 430

 Potential saving of Subsidy (INR crore): 22750

 Potential GHG reduction (crore tonnes CO2): 3.48

Additionally, the Made in India pumps promote indigenous manufacturing, and job creation. Discoms benefit through the reduced peak demand, enabling them to avoid procuring marginal power for meeting agriculture demand.


Ag-DSM activities in Uttarakhand

GoUK has notified “ The Uttarakhand Regarding Efficient Use of Energy and its Conservation Directions, 2013” vide its order      No. 800/I/2013-01(3)/17/05 Dehradun, dated: 21 May, 2013 mentioning mandatory use of Star Labeled Motor pump sets, Power capacitor, Foot/Reflex valves in agriculture sector in the following points:

·         For all new tube well connections in Uttarakhand, the use of ISI marked pumps/Star labeled motor pump sets and accessories will be mandatory.

·         The power utilities of Uttarakhand will make the amendments in the load demand notices for tube well connections within three months time from the date of issue of these directions to ensure use of only ISI marked pumps in Uttarakhand.


Above notification has been amended vide its order no. 69(2)/I/2016-01(03)/17/2005 Dehradun, dated: 20 January, 2016 mentioning the amendments in the above points:

·         For all new tube well connections the use of BEE star rated pump sets (with minimum 4 star rating) and ISI marked accessories shall be mandatory.

·         For Uttarakhand Power Corporation Ltd., it is mandatory to do amendment in the load demand notices for tube well connections within two months time from the date of issue of this order to ensure use of minimum 4 star rated pump sets in the state.



Till 2014, Total 24500 Nos. of agricultural pumps were energized. Annual Electricity consumption of these pumps is 396 MUs. Replacement of these pump sets with 4 star rated energy efficient pump results 30% of the energy savings which is approx. 118.8 MUs of energy savings. Considering the cost of energy at Rs. 3/- per unit, expected annual monetary savings is Rs. 35.64 Crores.

Implementation Plan

EESL in order to upscale number of pump sets installations in India shall adopt deemed savings approach where a 30% of Energy savings & minimum 1800 annual operating hours shall be considered. Farmers would be provided Energy Efficient BEE Star labeled pump sets of HP equal to their sanctioned load through multiple distribution desks in the project area.

·         Agreement between DISCOM & EESL for implementation of Project.

·         Tripartite Agreement between EESL, DISCOM & its Bank for signing of ESCROW agreement for payment of energy savings.

·         Selection of implementation partner (Pump Manufacturer) through open bid.

·         Submission of project implementation time schedule.

·         Kickoff meeting with stakeholders and farmer mobilization workshops.

·         Customer care office at project site and setting up of distribution desks in the project area.

·         Signing of agreement with individual farmers before pump replacement. Pump replacement will be done by farmers. However Electrical panel will be provide with GPS chip for pump tracking and a third party will do the verification of pump installation.

·         New Pump selection shall be as per HP equal to the sanctioned load. In case, farmer demands pump set of higher HP, in that case, farmer would be required to increase the sanctioned load from the DISCOM, and on revision of sanctioned load, pump HP equal to the new sanctioned load shall be provided to the farmer.

·         Old pump replacement with new BEE star rated pump and electrical panel to protect the new pump. Also the Repair and Maintenance of new installed pump sets till project duration.


EESL is implementing the Ag-DSM scheme under ESCO mode for replacement of inefficient agriculture pump set with energy efficient pump set. Number of pumps to be replaced, expected savings and its cost economics is mentioned in the table below:

Sl. No.





Total Nos. of pumps




Range for Pump ratings




Overall average savings




Range for Approximate savings


0.011 – 41.21


Approximate investment

Rs. (in Million)



Simple Pay back Period




In 2018-19, the BEE convey the guideline to SDA for one day Energy Efficient Pumps workshop and Energy Conservation Resources Awareness Program for farmers through Kishan Vigyan Kendra (KVK) under the scheme of Agricultural Demand Side Management (AgDSM). As per above, there are 03 such type of workshop organized in the district of Haridwar, Dehradun and Bageshwar by UREDA. There are remaining 10 workshop are proposed.

1.      Haridwar

2.      Dehradun

3.      Bageshwar




New Scheme:

       National E- Mobility Program & Charging Infrastructure Programme

       Smart Meter National Programme

       Small Solar Power Plant Programme

       AJAY Project  (Atal Jyoti Yojna)


1. National E-Mobility & Charging Infrastructure Programme:

Under this programme, EESL has completed procurement of 10,000 e-cars and has issued LoA’s. The price discovered by EESL, for e-cars through tendering is 25% less than the current retail price of similar cars in the market. Till date, 1,510 e-cars have been deployed and under registration/allocation. For charging e-cars, 300 AC & 170 DC chargers have also been commissioned

In addition, EESL has installed 60 Public Charging Stations (PCS) complying with DC-001 (15kW) in the NDMC area.

First agreement for installation of Public Charging Station (PCS) has been signed with Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) and first PCS has been installed and commissioned in (Nandanam) Chennai metro rail station.


Smart Meter National Programme (SMNP):

EESL has initiated to provide Smart Meters to utilities on rental basis for replacing conventional meters.

By EESL’s smart metering project, NDMC becomes the first utility to have all their consumers with smart meters without any upfront investment from NDMC

Atal Jyoti Yojana (AJAY) Phase II:

As on date, EESL has installed over 1.38 lakh Solar LED street lights under AJAY Phase-I in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Odisha and Jharkhand

Under phase-II of the scheme, EESL has carried out the tendering process and awarded the work for the installation and maintenance of 3,04,500 Solar LED street lights in more than 15 states. As on date, over 10,000 Solar lights under AJAY phase II has been installed in the state of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Odisha and Uttarakhand.